is a product search engine with millions of products. We display products and services from many sellers. We cite the information and provide direct links back to the seller's website.
We strive to offer a comprehensive list of products and services*. Our mission is to help consumers get a great price while having the largest searchable database of products. We level the playing field by exposing brands of all sizes to more customers. Search results are always ranked by relevance. Sellers cannot pay for better ranking. We do not sell our own products.
Your activity is not tracked while using We may occasionally log IP info to get aggregate metrics on view counts or to block malicious actors. This information is discarded with every request and only stored in aggregate. We encrypt it in such a way that even under a subpoena, the information cannot be traced back to an individual user**. We're just not interested in your activity.
When you click on a link to a seller's website, you may be tracked on their website. They may also set a cookie on their site indicating to them that you were routed from This is how we get paid.
If you don't see a product or brand you're looking for, please contact us, and we'll work to get them included.
Hot Sphinx offers both free and paid listings. Listing your products on Hot Sphinx is free. However, we do offer Sponsored Listings. Sponsored listings are enhanced visually and stand out compared to free listings. We believe in only getting paid when you get paid. You are never charged by impression or click. Sponsored listings are commission based. You set the payout percentage, and you control the price.
How can I get my products added to
There are a few ways:
If you are a member of a different affiliate network, please contact us to join your network.
The first 2 methods are preferred because there may be delays between crawls of your website.
All sellers go through an evaluation process. This process is usually quick and easy and is done with a combination of automated and manual review. Sellers are continually evaluated to ensure they meet our safety, trust and ethics guidelines.
Do you have content that needs to be removed from Hot Sphinx? For example, temporary removals, outdated content or copyright issues. Was your content wrongfully removed? Please contact us.
* adult products or illegal items are strictly prohibited
** IP information retrieved from HTTP requests is cryptographically hashed with a random salt and added to a probabalistic data structure (such as HyperLogLog) which approximates distinct counts. The IP address is discarded with every HTTP request. This data cannot be reverse engineered back to the IP information. The probabalistic data structure is stored in memory and the aggregate results are stored to disk as high level view counts.